Week 3 Tabata with Sarah
Tabata with Sarah
• 6 exercises
• 8 rounds of each exercise
• 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest
• 1-minute rest between exercises
Workout Breakdown:
Each exercise has a full expression and a modification—adjust as needed and listen to your body!
1. Bound Jump, Walk Back
Jump forward explosively, landing softly, then walk back to your starting position.
Modification: Perform a smaller hop forward or step forward instead of jumping.
2. Push-Up to Side Plank
Perform a strong push-up, then rotate into a side plank, alternating sides each time.
Modification: Drop to your knees for the push-up and extend one arm out in front of you - or hold a side plank on your forearm for more stability.
3. Fast Feet
Stay light on your toes, moving your feet as quickly as possible while keeping your chest up.
Modification: Slow down the pace or march in place to reduce impact.
4. Side Lunge with Knee Drive
Step into a deep side lunge, then drive your knee up as you push back to standing. Alternate sides.
Modification: Perform a smaller range of motion or remove the knee drive for a gentler option.
5. Sit-Up with Alternating Jab
Complete a sit-up, then throw controlled jabs as you lower back down.
Modification: Perform a crunch instead of a full sit-up, or keep feet anchored for support.
6. Crab Toe Touch
In a crab position, lift one hand and touch the opposite foot, alternating sides.
Modification: Keep your hips lower and march your knees for reduced intensity.
You vs. You!
Every rep, every round, you’re building strength, endurance, and confidence. It’s not about being perfect—it’s about showing up and giving YOUR best. Keep pushing, keep breathing, and remember: you are stronger than you think! 💥💪🔥